Phew - today was a hot one! Factor 30 sunblock and sadly I still have got sunburned on my legs ... very, very annoying. That’s the delicate pale and sensitive Irish skin of course... Thankfully Rebecca sourced factor 85 sunblock for me which I used on my face – no sunburn – yippee!!! We’ve been sailing and motoring all day in the bright sunshine, from Shelter Island to Port Jefferson. We started with the tide against us, then with us, and now it’s turned against us again – funny how that happens!!!
Last night we had a fantastic barbeque on the dock in Dering Harbour. Barry did a brilliant job with a screwdriver and a leatherman knife as his only cooking implements. Hamburgers, sausages and sweetcorn, accompanied by macaroni cheese and roasted vegetables ... yummy! A few people came over to chat to us (partly because we had way too much food so we kept offering sausages to anyone who came vaguely within range!) including a lovely couple from NJ who were very interested in the modifications Bob and Barry made to Dinah to make her go faster. They kindly offered us a mooring if we have time to visit their home club before we leave.
While mentioning the Piccozzi family in a previous blog entry, I forgot to mention their cute black & white cat who hangs around the marina, and decided to come on board in the middle of the night... most likely to check out the primary source of the snoring (which wasn’t me I hasten to add!!!). She was also very interested in the barbeque last night, as was an enormous herring-gull which attempted to steal food from it while we were still cooking!
That’s it for now - it’s time to get back on deck to keep an eagle eye out for the millions of lobster and crab pots that are strewn liberally in Long Island Sound.
Hi - just read your blob - so amazing. Have a great time and be safe. I'll try and update as much as I can - Murray won last night and is in the quarter finals....